Check out this installation sent to us by our awesome reps in Canada - BFAL.
Below is an installation of a highly efficienct HTP Elite boiler and SuperStor Ultra indirect water heater.
The Elite has a 95.9% AFUE rating and comes in six models ranging from 80k to 399k BTUs to suit any residential application. It has a turndown ratio of 5 to 1, with the ability to cascade up to eight Elite boilers. Its extremely durable 316L stainless steel heat exchanger resists corrosion and boasts excellent heat transfer properties.
The SuperStor Ultra indirect water heater has a 316L stainless steel tank to resist corrosion, eliminate the need for anode rods, allowing for the system to be virtually maintenance free. Its high output finned cupronickel heat exchanger provides a higher BTU output per foot than any other heat exchanger in the market.